Neotic Blog
New and Noodley?!
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Go to noodle box. All you have to do is got to Australia! This is a quick post. And here is the link. CHUBBY ASIAN BIRD.
Friday, June 1, 2012
Graduation!! We are taking the next step to moving on to our future. This blog has given me many opportunities to express how I feel and to practice something I love, writing. I want to thank my English teacher, Mr. Vega. With all his writing assignments, he made me a stronger writer and he made me love it even more then I did before I came into his class. So I want to thank him very much for that. Even though I mess with him and say things like he’s weird and have funny hair, I think he is a really good teacher, and an even better person. I hope to see him after graduation.
With everything that Mr. Vega taught me, I know that when I go to college, I want to continue writing and continue on with my stories.
And Mr. Vega, I proved you wrong. I go an eight on both writing tests! A big part of the reason is because of you! Thank you!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Bowl of noodles in an Asian restaurant
When you go to an Asian restaurant most people tend to order some kind of noodle soup. If you are not Asian it is very hard for you to eat a bowl of noodles in public without being judged. Most people typically order the soup that is most familiar to them. But others sometimes want to take a risk an order something very different from what they are use to. If they are to do this they need to follow these 5 steps to avoid being judged by other people.
Step #1
When you are ordering a bowl of noodles it is very important not to ask questions about it. When you are in an Asian restaurant do not ask questions like what does this have in it. It is easy for you just to say what number you want and get it over with. The waiter or waitress will get very annoyed if you keep asking questions about it. They might go in the back and make fun of you and call you a Chubby Asian bird. It is very simple: pick what you want, order it, and most of all do not ask questions.
Step #2
Usually ordering soup takes about 10 to 30 minutes depending on what kind of soup you order. It does not matter what kind of soup you order just do not call someone over and ask if your order is ready. To them it will seem like you are being rude and snotty. At first they will say it will be out soon, but if you keep asking repeatedly they will get annoyed and eventually scream at you. It is very easy, just wait patiently and the food will come to you.
photo by: Fartre
Step #3By this time your bowl of noodles is at your table and you are ready to dig in, but you realize the only utensil is chopsticks! The last time you used chopsticks was a very long time ago. You think to yourself, maybe I should just ask for a fork. But don't! That is the most horrible mistake you could make. This is what ticks of most Asians. My advice is even though you do not know how to use chopsticks, just act like you are using them. But when you get home it is advised that you learn so you will not get embarrassed in the future.
Step #4
If you eat the noodles and end up not liking it, do not complain to someone. When you complain at an Asian restaurant they will think you are have no experience and judge you heavily. Trust me you will feel really awkward when they stare and talk about you (especially if they are doing the ASIAN stare). It is best to just suck it up and pretend to like it. That way they will not judge you.
Step #5
The last step is how you handle the after aftermath of your meal. When you are asking for the check, you want to be as kind as chubby Asian bird. You do not just snap your fingers in the air like some kind of snotty person. You should try to make eye contact with the waitress/ waiter. At least then they will treat you with "some" respect.
There you have it, the 5 easy steps to eating a bowl of noodles at an Asian restaurant. Follow these simple steps and you will survive.
How to survive Minecraft
Minecraft is a great game that you can do almost any thing in. The way to survive in Minecraft is a simple and easy way to start you off.
Wood is probobly the best thing in the game (it's debatable). wood is so awesome that you can make many things like tools, charcoal (used to make torches), Stairs, ladders, doors, levers, pressure plates, and workbenches. Wood is also used for any thing imaginable that you can build.
The most important thing to do is to build shelter. The first house you build will just be for untill you build a better one. The monsters that come out at night will kill you if try to be Rambo so don't make a sword and armor first, get wood planks and build it up. (Side note) If you build a bed and a pillar thats atleast 5 bolcks high and 2 blocks wide and place a bed the zombies cant get you, skeletons cant shoot at you and creepers wont blow up, in other words you're safe.
A workbench is a great thing and a needed item to survive in Minecraft. The workbench lets you make almost everything in the game except the items the furnace makes, obsidian, and items you can mine/farm. The furnace lets you cook food and make charcoal, glass, and smelt iron and gold. you can do many more things with the furnace there are just some examples. Chests are important so you can store items that you don't need at the moment so you can pick other items up. To make a workbench you need 4 wood planks, Furnace 8 cobblestone, Chest 8 wood planks.
When you search for resources find a game made cave and search for blocks with little pieces of shiny things in it and mine it with the right tools so it doesn't disappear. the resources you can find are diamond, red stone, gold, iron, and coal. Iron is used to make tools, doors, buckets, and railroads. Diamond is used for Tools, armor, and a jukebox. red stone is used for electricity and weak torches. Gold is the weakest armor and weakest tools but is great for making powered rails. Coal is a great fuel for the furnace and good for torches.
The whole point of Minecraft is to survive and do anything and every thing imaginable. Honestly any thing you can think of you an do it if you want an arena you make it. If you want an upside down house you build it. If you want to make a shrine to pandas you make it. If you want to make a gun that fires bullets they don't have that so maybe next time but, TNT does more damage and bows are much better
Minecraft is not a story line game because you make your own story and that's why its the best game ever.
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Photo by: *ejk* |
Wood is probobly the best thing in the game (it's debatable). wood is so awesome that you can make many things like tools, charcoal (used to make torches), Stairs, ladders, doors, levers, pressure plates, and workbenches. Wood is also used for any thing imaginable that you can build.
The most important thing to do is to build shelter. The first house you build will just be for untill you build a better one. The monsters that come out at night will kill you if try to be Rambo so don't make a sword and armor first, get wood planks and build it up. (Side note) If you build a bed and a pillar thats atleast 5 bolcks high and 2 blocks wide and place a bed the zombies cant get you, skeletons cant shoot at you and creepers wont blow up, in other words you're safe.
A workbench is a great thing and a needed item to survive in Minecraft. The workbench lets you make almost everything in the game except the items the furnace makes, obsidian, and items you can mine/farm. The furnace lets you cook food and make charcoal, glass, and smelt iron and gold. you can do many more things with the furnace there are just some examples. Chests are important so you can store items that you don't need at the moment so you can pick other items up. To make a workbench you need 4 wood planks, Furnace 8 cobblestone, Chest 8 wood planks.
When you search for resources find a game made cave and search for blocks with little pieces of shiny things in it and mine it with the right tools so it doesn't disappear. the resources you can find are diamond, red stone, gold, iron, and coal. Iron is used to make tools, doors, buckets, and railroads. Diamond is used for Tools, armor, and a jukebox. red stone is used for electricity and weak torches. Gold is the weakest armor and weakest tools but is great for making powered rails. Coal is a great fuel for the furnace and good for torches.
The whole point of Minecraft is to survive and do anything and every thing imaginable. Honestly any thing you can think of you an do it if you want an arena you make it. If you want an upside down house you build it. If you want to make a shrine to pandas you make it. If you want to make a gun that fires bullets they don't have that so maybe next time but, TNT does more damage and bows are much better
Minecraft is not a story line game because you make your own story and that's why its the best game ever.
How To Survive An Unwanted Love
People these days don't know what “no” means. No means no! Sometimes people are too shy and caring to say no, but they give little hints. But for the people out there who don't understand that no means no, or they can't take a hint, this is a guide to survive someone like that asking you out.
Don’t Be Too Awesome
Being flirtatious can get you a date you want to go out with, or curse you with a date you don’t want to spend five seconds with. If someone is asking you out, but you don’t want to go out with them, the first step is to not lead them on. When you are talking to them, don’t be too funny or too nice, because it can give them the idea that you have some interests for them, when you really don’t. If they like you for being yourself, then don’t be so much of that person that they want to be with. Tone the sweetness down, and give them a little hint with your attitude that you are not interested at all.
Stay Away From the Rain
In Twilight, the first scene is Jacob (Taylor Lautner) in the rain, with his shirt off. In the movie theatre, all the girls, and some guys, were screaming because of how stunning he looked. It should be a fact, that all people look more attractive when wet. Especially in the rain, because when the rain is coming down and hits your body at the perfect time, it’s like angels singing in heaven. So on a rainy day, I suggest staying inside or pretend to be sick.
Give Them the Waterworks
Most people don’t give up when you tell them no. If they keep bugging you, tell them that you just aren’t ready to be in a relationship, and that it has nothing to do with them, it is just ad timing. Tell them that you want to be the best possible girlfriend or boyfriend that you can be, and you aren’t ready to be that for anyone yet. If you were ever in a previous relationship, use that as an excuse. Tell them that you got very hurt in your last relationship and you aren’t mentally, emotionally, or physically ready to be in another committed relationship. Do whatever you have to do to get them to stop.
Say Goodbye
Some guys or girls like to go all the way. They won’t stop asking until you say yes! For those people who are getting admired by people like that, just keep your distance. Try to avoid as much contact as possible with them. Don’t make it too obvious, but make sure to keep your distance in a friendly way. If they say hi, casually wave hello back, but no hugging or intimate gestures. Give them a fierce attitude that shows that you aren’t interested, and that you probably never will be.
It isn’t your fault for people wanting to desperately be with you. It is just the gift that God gave you. That gift can help you out with getting great “other-halves,” but it can also curse you with people you don’t like, constantly asking you out. If you stick to these how to survive rules, you won’t have to feel pressured to say yes, and be miserable with someone you don’t even have feelings for. Be as gentle as possible, but also be firm with them. If you stick with these rules, you’ll never have to date a loser again. Your welcome!
Photo By: the G tm
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
How to survive the Tri-Wizard Tournament
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Photo by Craig Grobler |
1. Get Picked
If you did not yet know, you must be seventeen to compete, muggle. You could possibly pull a Harry Potter and have some evil villain randomly put it in for you, but chances are, that won't work too well. Each school competing may have one student compete for their school and the Goblet of Fire, is the judge. The Goblet of Fire picks the best student who has entered their name into the Goblet if it thinks they could handle the Tournament. If you're a wimpy, scared kid, the Goblet will probably think lowly of you and choose a wiser, more level headed student over you. It's just a known fact.
2. Use Your Wits
If there is one thing that will keep you alive and winning is using your wits. You will need to be both book and street smart when it comes to potions and spells. If you have wits, you might as well have won the Triwizard Cup already. If you don't know how to transfigure or how to make gillyweed, you're not getting anywhere in the tournament. Also, you have to know what you're doing. If you just walk into the challenge ready to wing it and don't have a game plan, don't even bother coming in 1st place because I guarantee that will not happen. Another thing is that you should pace yourself. If your next challenge is a maze, don't break out into a full run. I know you're a wizard and you can use magic, but that doesn't stop you from getting tired. You can run out of breath and be too weak to do a spell. It's just common sense.
3. Survive the 1st challenge
Obviously, this is a no-brainer. Apart from just staying alive, you need to get finished with the challenge first and show talent while doing so. The more spells and magic you show the judges, the more points and steps you get to winning the Triwizard Cup. If you are forced to pick something out of a bag, pick first! Don't be afraid to shove someone out of the way and say, "Sorry, I have to go first. My religion calls for it." While rummaging through the bag, avoid all pointy things and go for the smallish, smooth things, because if it's a dragon, and you're forced to pick the spiky one, it will probably be the dreaded Hungarian Horntail. Just saying. So go for the dragon, if dragons, with a soft touch because it will most likely be a Swedish Short-Snout, a Common Welsh Green, or a Chinese Fireball, which aren't as ferocious compared to the Horntail. Once that task is complete, you're ready for the next challenge.
4. Survive the 2nd Challenge
The second task in the Triwizard Tournament is even deadlier that the first. Alike the first challenge, you must work to impress the judges. If your second challenge is to dive deep into the Black Lake to retrieve something that was stolen, your best chance is to follow Step 2. Some potions such as gillyweed are easy to make and give you gills and webbed feet, if you're not afraid to steal materials out of Professor Snape's cabinet, of course. Or, you could use the Bubble-Head Charm which allows you to breath underwater, which is also quite simple if your fond of spells. I would personally choose to transfigure into a shark because if those horrid merpeople wenches try to attack you, you could bite them, which seems fun because I don't like them. Just stay aware of your surroundings and do not, under any circumstances, take someone else's possessions. You will get attacked by hundreds of ugly mermaids.
5. Final Challenge
The last and hardest challenge yet has approached. You've made it this far, so what's one more challenge? Don't be such a Squib, it isn't that bad. Just make your way to the Cup with caution and you're good as home. If you're in a maze, all you have to do is keep heading forward, stay alert, and never look back. Your best best is to go north, since the maze is likely to be in the middle. If you happen to bump into another champion, run away as fast as you can because alliances are bad. If you do though, and you both reach the Cup and you so happen to touch it at the same time, I wish you luck on your visit to the Dark Lord. If you listen, though, and you keep yourself paced and avoid all dangers, you will reach the Cup before the other champions.
I hope you enjoyed your time in the Triwizard Tournament, I really do. Glory, fame, and fortune are just a few of the perks of surviving the Triwizard Tournament.
How to Survive Four Siblings
Having one brother and three sisters who are all older than you has its advantages. I would say that there are also a lot more disadvantages of having four siblings. Sometimes they make my life a living hell. To survive this terrible predicament you need to follow five easy steps.
Step 1. Do not complain about anything. It would only lead to more problems. When you complain, you get to hear some fun stories about how they had it worse. Do not complain about little insignificant things either. One of my sisters is like my second mother because she scolds you if you do something wrong. They will definitely scream at you for being such a whiny little baby.
Step 2. Stay out of their stuff. If you invade their property, they will find you. They'll chase you all over the place and harass you. The good thing about it is that they have to find out which of the other four took it and them make their life a living hell. In that little time they are trying to find the thief, return it as quietly and discretely as possible. Right now I am listening to my 20 year old sister scream and whine about her missing chocolate. Apparently someone took it and she is screaming, "Where is my chocolate, I want my chocolate, GIVE ME MY CHOCOLATE!" Good thing I didn't take it. I believe one of my other sisters ate it. My sister who took it likes chocolate a lot so it probably wasn't safe to leave it where she could find it. It was cookies n cream so I understand why is going insane in the membrane.
Step 3. Don't make your siblings mad. They will eventually get back for what you did. The bad thing is that they can also hold stuff from you. One of my sisters was going to take me to the movies and one day I made her angry. Then she said she wasn't going to take me and we started fighting. Don't worry, it was only verbal.
Step 4. Strike back. If your siblings (mostly guys) starts to punch and beat you up, strike back. Or verbally beat them up. This is usually the result of you being ignorant and not following step 3. So it's all your fault. You got to make sure they don't mess with you again. Avoid being the one who gets pinned down because you are going to have a hard time getting back in control. Make sure you go for the head, that gives a pleasing cry of pain. Just make sure you aren't the one getting hit in the head.
Step 5. Watch out when you sleep. Many times one of my sisters has come into my room while I was asleep, shaken my bed, and yell, "EARTHQUAKE, EARTHQUAKE!" It's not very amusing. My brother, who is 27, has another method of waking me up. He gets on my bed, starts jumping up and down, and then drops himself on top of me. It is really bad for me since he is twice my height. Sometimes my mom doesn't even tell them to wake me up. They just do it because they feel like messing with me. They also take stuff from you while you are sleeping. One of my sisters took something away from me around fall and I barely got it back a couple of weeks ago. It made me angry because I was going crazy trying to find it. That is a good time to put Step 4 into motion.
It shouldn't be so bad but since I am the youngest, they all pick on me the most. Sometimes I think they get together and plan to mess with me. That is when I put Step 4 into action. I'll make their life a living hell.
Step 1. Do not complain about anything. It would only lead to more problems. When you complain, you get to hear some fun stories about how they had it worse. Do not complain about little insignificant things either. One of my sisters is like my second mother because she scolds you if you do something wrong. They will definitely scream at you for being such a whiny little baby.
Step 2. Stay out of their stuff. If you invade their property, they will find you. They'll chase you all over the place and harass you. The good thing about it is that they have to find out which of the other four took it and them make their life a living hell. In that little time they are trying to find the thief, return it as quietly and discretely as possible. Right now I am listening to my 20 year old sister scream and whine about her missing chocolate. Apparently someone took it and she is screaming, "Where is my chocolate, I want my chocolate, GIVE ME MY CHOCOLATE!" Good thing I didn't take it. I believe one of my other sisters ate it. My sister who took it likes chocolate a lot so it probably wasn't safe to leave it where she could find it. It was cookies n cream so I understand why is going insane in the membrane.
Step 3. Don't make your siblings mad. They will eventually get back for what you did. The bad thing is that they can also hold stuff from you. One of my sisters was going to take me to the movies and one day I made her angry. Then she said she wasn't going to take me and we started fighting. Don't worry, it was only verbal.
Step 4. Strike back. If your siblings (mostly guys) starts to punch and beat you up, strike back. Or verbally beat them up. This is usually the result of you being ignorant and not following step 3. So it's all your fault. You got to make sure they don't mess with you again. Avoid being the one who gets pinned down because you are going to have a hard time getting back in control. Make sure you go for the head, that gives a pleasing cry of pain. Just make sure you aren't the one getting hit in the head.
Step 5. Watch out when you sleep. Many times one of my sisters has come into my room while I was asleep, shaken my bed, and yell, "EARTHQUAKE, EARTHQUAKE!" It's not very amusing. My brother, who is 27, has another method of waking me up. He gets on my bed, starts jumping up and down, and then drops himself on top of me. It is really bad for me since he is twice my height. Sometimes my mom doesn't even tell them to wake me up. They just do it because they feel like messing with me. They also take stuff from you while you are sleeping. One of my sisters took something away from me around fall and I barely got it back a couple of weeks ago. It made me angry because I was going crazy trying to find it. That is a good time to put Step 4 into motion.
It shouldn't be so bad but since I am the youngest, they all pick on me the most. Sometimes I think they get together and plan to mess with me. That is when I put Step 4 into action. I'll make their life a living hell.
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