Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Origins of Valentines Day

45/365 by ladybugbkt
45/365, a photo by ladybugbkt on Flickr.

Valentines Day seems like a nice cheerful holiday where people tell each other how much they care for them. It's looks like a nice holiday but in reality, Valentines Day is a dark sinister holiday.

You see guys getting getting cards, chocolate, and flowers for their sweethearts and they don't realize they are being pulled into a trap. Apparently chocolate companies think they haven't made enough money on other holidays and think they need to make another holiday to sell. They know guys will need a last minute gift so they sell their chocolate or flowers or whatever. If guys don't get something for their honey, then they are in the dog house.

That is sad. Forcing another holiday on people so they can sell their stuff. You also never see the guy get a gift on this day, it's always the girl. This isn't Mothers Day! Valentines Day should go both ways!

And since when do you need a day to tell someone how much you care for them? Shouldn't that be all year? It's like saying, " I love you so much today, but not any other day because I never get you anything! Haha Happy Valentines Day!"

This dark day is really a day for hypocrites who don't really care for anyone else. A day created by greedy companies and business people.


  1. That is really true.
    Especially when you said " I love you so much today, but not any other day because I never get you anything! Haha Happy Valentines Day!"
    People just use Valentines Day to say I love you when you really should say it everyday to the people you love and care for.
    People usually like Valentines Day because they like getting candy and flowers. Valentines Day has lost its meaning for most people.

  2. Would you also say it's fair to state that most of the pressure falls to the gentlemen for this holiday?

    Anyway, I'm not sure how much I agree with you on this one. I definitely have a healthy dose of cynicism when it comes to some people's motives, but it may be balanced by the vibes of true love that come wafting down like cherry blossoms in a Japanese garden.

  3. Ya Valentines Day is overrated and it must suck for that poor guy since he is the one getting the candy and flowers. There should be a second Fathers Day just to balance it out. I also agree with English Answer Man though you lost with the image of the garden.

  4. I like Valentines day well mostly because, it's my birthday, but I think Valentines Day is sweet :} It's a day to remind that special person that you love them

  5. I think its HILARIOUS on Valentines day seeing all those guys getting last minute gifts struggling to make their girlfriends and wives and crushes happy. They try so hard and most of the time they fail. But at the end of they day if you did a good job your girlfriend will be happy with you the WHOLE DAY and I'm sure that never happens. Be happy there is a day where your real feelings can show

  6. I don't like valentines day at all!!
