Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Love Milk

I Love Milk by Joe Shlabotnik
I Love Milk, a photo by Joe Shlabotnik on Flickr.

Milk is delicious. I could drink gallons of that heavenly liquid every day.

Milk is said to have first be drunken in the Neolithic Revolution which was approximately 8,000 BC. Which means that according to scientists, mankind has had this miraculous drink for a long time.

Milk is definitely old if it was mentioned in both the Old and New Testament of the Bible. (The Old Testament was definitely Before Christ.) Milk is mentioned 16 times in the Bible. In the book of Exodus, chapter 3, verse 8, in the Bible it says,"...unto a land flowing with milk and honey..." Milk is definitely special if it flows in land.

It has calcium, which strengthens bones. It also has a bunch of vitamins. I really don't know why anyone wouldn't like milk, unless you are lactose intolerant. That would suck if I became lactose intolerant. I would be very devastated.

Milk is very great. A nice cold cup of milk and some Oreos can make my crappy day a great day.


  1. You love milk! I didn't know milk was mentioned that much in the bible.
    Interesting post Josue. I would never think to post about milk. :)

  2. Of course you wouldn't think about posting about milk. My Bible has a glossary in the back so all I did was look up "Leche" (that's Spanish for milk)and counted up how many times it showed up. It even says in a verse that they washed their feet with milk! A great day to start and end your day is with a glass of milk.

  3. Am I thee only person who wants to know what exactly that person was doing to the cow when the discovered milk. I mean I've never thought about hanging out under a cow and see what comes out of it utters. The whole concept of milk just shows how empty the male mind can be sometimes.... Empty enough to drink that weird juice that comes out of cows. And guys don't get all offended because I'm pretty sure that women weren't able to discover anything around that time since the men kept us in the house ALL DAY!!

    1. Wow. I should probably stop laughing so I can defend myself here. @Josue: I always pictured rivers of honey and milk whenever I read those passages in the Bible. It always sounded sort of gross. Pretty sure it's just a bit of hyperbole, but milk may be awesome if it really flows from the ground.

      On the other hand, I am personally boycotting milk these days, because my wife will only buy organic milk, and it costs way to much. I refuse to pay 3 bucks or more for 1/2 gallon of what I call "the mediocre beverage."

  4. I think milk is used like something good and that it's so good it can be anywhere like that land and be clean. That land is so great and it is filled with great things like honey and milk. They could have said that the land had flowing wine or something else popular, so milk is still very great.

    That is so stereotypical kimana. You never know something unless you try it.

  5. What you think I've never had milk before?
    Trust me I've had milk and yes it does taste good but that doesn't change any of the things I've said. Honestly Josue think about it back in those days women were only allowed to take care of the kids, cook and clean, and make sure their husband was satisfied at all times so just consider that. I'm not trying to be sexist or anything but its logical thinking you have to admit.
