Friday, September 30, 2011

Making the World go round...

Making the world a better place may seem super hard and a waste of time, but it's really not. An easy way to make life worth living is to just help someone out. If you ever seeing a person being bullied or getting beaten up, help them! You don't have to physically get in the fracas yourself, but you could tell an adult. Maybe if the poor kid isn't too traumatized, you could befriend them and ask them if they would like to hang out sometimes. That would probably be the highlight of their day. Or hopefully there isn't anyone getting bullied, but you can find a new or lonely student and show them what having a friend is like. I can change the world by just going up to someone and straight out introducing myself. It's actually simple.


Being nice is an important skill to learn. What I am planning to do is say a greeting to everyone who sits next to me. I plan on saying good afternoon or good morning. What ever they say I am going to write it down and see how many people were nice. Well that's it for now. I will let you know how my plan to be nice works out.

Well I have guess I have to do it

Now I have to be nice to people and change the world supposedly. My new assignment is to be nice to people and make the world as sweet as candy with lollipops and gummy bears. I guess my plan is to say good morning or good afternoon to people and keep the door open for them if they are carrying a lot. Maybe shake their hand and give them a smile. I hope my plan to be nice works and that the people are nice to me back.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hey it worked

I am exited to start blogging. I look forward to all the fun i am going have with this. I am not going like going on and posting two times every week but i will still do it. I hope that i will post about things i know about so it makes it easier. I also hope that i get better at being able to wright more correctly. I predict that i will be posting about little questions like this and other things like books. I also predict that i will blog about restaurants, cites, countries, movies, news, and music.

Whoa, I'm blogging:)...

I envision blogging about things me and my peers actually like. Nothing lame or boring that makes you loathe what you're reading or writing. I'm most excited about reading other peoples' blogs and seeing their point of view on the World. I really don't want to talk about things that are happening in my life because, seriously? You aren't my therapist wondering what's going on in my life. Plus, it is pretty hard to just write this, right now. So, hopefully I won't have to! I hope to be a little less socially awkward because I believe I totally am.

How Blogging is Annoying

I am not looking forward to working on this assignment for 8 months. Normally, I would be looking forward to have an assignment on the internet. After many problems with my first post, I wish we could just write out our blog. In blogging, we have to express ourselves; that is going to be my downfall. I also do not wish for internet stalkers to see what I post about. But If I have to blog, I am hoping to blog about something interesting like movies. If we blog about something fun then it will be easier to write about. Overall, blogging for me this year could be either really exciting or just annoying.


I envision myself communicating through reading and reviewing others posts/comments and discussing topics we bring to thought, it allows students and myself to, rather than write long essay's and have those graded, do so online with other students, allowing your writing to be more open to the public, granting a larger range of thought for those reviewing your post. This assignment grants a small community of sorts, not as big as a forum, and not too small either, it's something different from the orderly writing tasks on paper.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why do I have to do this?

Okay, here it goes. I envision myself reading other people's boring posts and wanting to get it over with. I am not a big fan on telling the world my thoughts online because I am shy, so this will be a very long year. I guess I am excited about screaming to the world just what I think about it and the people in it, which really contradicts what I just said before. I hope to get experience in talking and being more social because I have a feeling I am going to do that a lot as I get older. Well, let the torture begin! Though I will try my absolute best on this assignment and put an effort into it.

Blogging is Beast!!

Blogging can be thought of "lame" because of the steryotypes as seen in movies and stories. But what people dont realize is that blogging rocks! I am really excited for this assignment because I love computers and the Internet, and to have it a part of everyday school is incredible! I am really looking foward to reading all the posts that my fellow bloggers have written and all the oppertunities to write myself.

first post of the year!!

I envision myself blogging about what were thinking about and much more. You get to have fun expressing yourself doing blogs.Writing about more than one thing.I personally get out of this experience is to make my writing ability better.