Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Perfect (Lady)Friend

perfect [not my words] by the|G|™The perfect friend was what it started as. So in church a while back we were told to write stuff down about what the perfect friend is like and stuff like that. Then we were told that the stuff we wrote should also apply for that person we are stuck with for the rest of our lives. I didn't know what to post about so I found my list with notes and I wrote them down here.

I added stuff specifically for the lady friend.
  1. This person has to be understanding and nice. They have to know all the crap I put through. My best friend is a really nice and polite. She better be nice and polite.
  2. This person has to be a good person to hang out with. I could do stuff with them and would be awesome to hang out with. They wouldn't try anything stupid that could cause problems.
  3. This person (preferably)has to be Latino. I put that because my best friend is Latino but I don't care about the other. I'm not racist. (It would be a big bonus if she was Latina.)
  4. This person is funny. My best friend is funny guy and he always makes me crack up. It's cool to be with a funny person because they could always make you laugh.
  5. For the most part I want to have the same likes so we won't be arguing over stuff like Lakers and Celtics.
  6. It would also be great if we had the same beliefs and values. My best friend and I met at church so that's cool. It would be good because we wouldn't disagree on stuff that is really important. It would just be chaotic and difficult.
  7. I would really be a big bonus if she was pretty just because that would be nice I guess.
  8. It would also be great if she was a great cook because I like to eat.
  9. It would also be awesome if she knew at least some Spanish because if she is the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with I want my kids to know Spanish and learn my culture. (Again, big bonus if she was Latina.)

perfect [not my words], a photo by the|G|™ on Flickr.

the perfect SOS signal

 The perfect SOS signal in the 2000 is one-hundred feet tall fifty-fife feet wide made out of wrecked plane parts and a huge signal fire next to it. if you have more than one person keep one at the SOS while the other person searches for necessary needs.

In the 1800 the SOS should be upright 50 feet tall 100 feet wide out of the ship that was wrecked. a bottle is a good idea to send a message but only if you have another and a sail. the stood up sign is for any passing ships to rescue you.

But no matter what time period you are in an SOS sign is spelled S O S very big and neat because not everybody is a teacher. It has to be seen too. Also has to be noticeable witch is big but big can still blend in so if you are in a grassland pick something red.

The Perfect Singer...

Photo by + Isabela

So, nowadays, record labels are basically giving almost anyone a record deal- even if they can't even sing. I don't see how a label would want someone with little to no talent to be representing their company, it's quite absurd. For me, it's also hard to find good music because most of them are terrible or I just don't like that type of music. Lately, though, I've found some brilliant musicians and their music is so inspiring and enchanting.

The Perfect Chops
Okay, so this might be just my opinion, but I love soprano voices. Soprano is the highest note in singing. Maybe it's just because I'm an alto(unfortunately), but I love higher voices! It makes for a better song and if the artist makes the lyrics dramatic and emotional, it makes the song sound way better. Some artists, like Adele, Demi Lovato, and Ariana Grande are sopranos, and they are quite amazing. If you're not a soprano, though, you're an alto. Artists like Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, and my favorite artist of the moment, Lana Del Rey are Altos and they're just as amazing as sopranos, if not better. Soprano or alto, either is the way to go.

Creating an Image
Maybe the most important step is proving where you stand in the music industry. Lady Gaga is known as the wierd, I-don't-care-what-I-wear type. Katy Perry is the charismatic, edgy girl, Taylor Swift is the modest, country girl that lives next door. Image is everything. One artist I don't really like is Kanye West, the jerk who ruins award shows for country girls about to win an award. Since he came off as a jerk with that whole "Beyonce should have won this award and so much more" crap I don't care for his music. Whatever your image may be, make it something people would be attracted to.

Melodic, Powerful Lyrics
Songs that have inspirational lyrics are songs that usually win awards. Just saying. I think songs that have some sort of story behind them. The more emotion, the better. You shouldn't be afraid to just belt it out and put all that's on your mind into a song because that seems easier than talking about it. If you've ever listened to the songs on Demi Lovato's "Unbroken" album, you'll see how much pain and sorrow was behind it. Mostly all her songs are about her struggle with rehab and staying healthy, which made for a splendid album. Even though most of the songs these days are apologies for party rocking, there are still great artists who put their all into making the perfect album and their hard work most definitely paid off.

The perfect cup of NOODLES

Photo by: D.L.

I have had many cup of noodles in my life, but this cup was somehow perfect then all the rest. It just stood out. Eating it makes you feel like a chubby Asian bird. There are basically three things that contributed to making this the best cup of noodles: the right amount of hot water, the perfect texture of the noodles, and the right amount of ingredients.

Without the water, your basically eating raw noodles in a cup. Some people put hot water, but it either ends up not being enough or to much. Others put the right amount of water, but it is not hot enough. The cup of noodles I had was just the right amount of water and the right temperature.

Some noodles taste hard, when you eat a cup of noodles. Other times it is all soggy and it is unappetizing. The perfect noodle has to be not to crunchy and not too soggy. It has to be just right, that's how my cup of noodles tasted.

The cup of noodles has noodles of course, carrots, pea's, and corn. Some cups have to much carrots or maybe to much corn. You need to have the right amount of ingredients to complement the noodle's. It is very unlikely you will get a balancing amount of ingredients, but the cup of noodles I had just the right amount.

As you can see, the perfect cup of noodles does not come by very often. So I just wanted to write my experience of the best cup of noodles. Hopefully you will get to try the perfect cup of noodles someday.

perfect vacation

The past summer have been fun going to Texas, water parks,shopping. I'm really getting tired of that though. If I could have the choice without worrying about anything like how long the flight was or "it will be my only present for Christmas and my birthday for the rest of your life." I would go on a tour of Europe like Britain,France,and Italy. Also go on a unlimited shopping spree and buy anything.

  Well first I would want to go on a private jet to the united kingdom.Which would take forever but, I would go on the London eye and see big Ben (huge clock). Also go on one of those tour buses and see more historic things of Britain. What would make even more awesome is if I ran into One direction since that's where their from. I would want to do an experiment or something to see how long it takes to have one of their awesome accents. Then I would fly to France to see the Eiffel tower.

  Second go to Paris,France and see if people really do eat snails. If they really did eat snails I would run next to a trash can. Then I would wait until the evening to see the Eiffel tower so when I get to the top I could see all of France lights.  Then after I would fly to Italy to go shopping.

 Third and lastly go shopping in Milan, Italy the fashion capitol of the world. I would go to every store or boutique ever made and get every single cute dresses and skirts. Then I would come back home and tell everbody about my trip. There's probably way more fun things to do in europe but that's what I would want to do. I hope this perfect vacation could happen soon!

france flag photo: chrisser
U.K. flag: jcolman

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Transformers Masterpiece Grimlock

A couple of years ago I asked for Masterpiece Grimlock. I did get it...a couple years later. I'm too old for toys but I still collect them and couldn't say no to this guy.

This guy is a T-Rex dinosaur and transforms into a big robot. In dino mode he has little but very poseable silver chrome arms. He has bulky legs and metal toes which are also poseable. His tail can swing back and forth and his head can rotate with it. You can open his mouth and see rows of shiny silver teeth.

In robot mode his legs and arms are also poseable and sturdy. His robot head is on a ball joint and can move a lot. A switch on the back of his head can change his eye color from blue to red.

He comes with a transparent gun and sword. They are transparent so they shine when they are put into his right hand because of a red light in it. He also comes with some other stuff.

A problem with him is that it can be tricky to transform his tail into his robot legs. You also have to be careful because he has a lot of chrome and you might scratch that shiny stuff off.

This guy is great. He is sturdy and is an awesome display piece. All Transformer fans and everyone else should get this masterpiece.

One Direction "Up All Night" Review

Photo by British One Direction
This Tuesday, One Direction's album "Up All Night" came out, and of course being the Directioner(huge One Direction fan) I am, I got it. It is definitely a great album because the boys in One Direction- Harry, Liam, Zayn, Louis, and Niall, are all from the UK, well except Niall, he's from Ireland, so obviously they have beautiful sounding accents. There are some flaws to the album though.

I love Up All Night for the talent that is behind it. The boys were formed on the X Factor UK so of course they must have gorgeous voices. Also, there are a lot of amazing songs like "I Want", "One Thing", "What Makes You Beautiful", etc. They are also very well written and have so much meaning behind them. I always seem to find foreign singers and musicians better than American ones because foreign singers like Ellie Goulding, Lights, and many more all have a very rich accent and language and their lyrics and vocals tend to be a bit better than your average local. One Direction is also very up-to-date with their songs and their lyrics mix perfectly with their accents and mostly, their personalities.

Some of the down sides about "Up All Night" is how some of the songs are such a cliche. Being boys, their going to try to make girls swoon by telling them how pretty they look or overwhelmed they get when girls flip their hair. It should be quite sappy for my taste because I'm sort of into indie pop or classical types and all that good stuff but something about their music is quite wonderful. Pop music alone doesn't typically suit my fancy and before I really listened to One Direction I would just think, "Ew. The typical boy band. Gross." Also, "Up All Night" has a few songs that just drag on and I can't really get into.

I would give One Direction's "Up All Night" a solid five stars. What?? Five stars to a boy band who have super awesome hair and sing love songs all day? Why, yes, five for you One Direction. You go One Direction. (Insider. You either know it or you don't. Here's a hint: Mean Girls) I think this album was well made and I hope 1D goes far with their talent.

forever 21

forever 21 is a fashion chain located all around the world. It's filled with such beautiful and fantastic clothes like dresses,skirts and more.Anybody who hasn't went to forever 21 is crazy!! If you haven't I'll give you a imaginary picture ok you walk in they have all these cute clothes and stuff nothing else, nothing less.
Whenever I go to the mall I always need to go there for some reason! I know other fashioners will agree. Anyways it's usually packed during the weekend, but not really weekdays.

There's basically 3 awesome thing about forever 21. One they have the most amazing clothes. That's where I mostly get my clothes.Second there worker are very nice, because they'll help you with any problem.Third they have clothes for everyone now, for woman,men,and children.

Sadly forever 21 has some problems like . First sometimes their clothes are spread around everywhere like a tornado. Second the clothes are not cheap, sometimes a shirt is like 20.00 dollars. That's it probably but I have to say Forever 21 is my favorite store of all time.

photo by:tsaiproject

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Madame Tussauds Wax Museum

Photo by bearexposed

Recently, while on a trip in Las Vegas, I visited a museum known as Madame Tussauds. It's a really awesome place to visit because there are several locations scattered around the world. It's also pretty neat how the figurines look so alike to the celebrities and entrepreneurs they are sculpted after.
 Some of the great things about these museums are the sculptures. In Vegas, they have several famous figurines like Britney Spears, Marilyn Monroe, and several other singers, athletes, actors, and so on. The figurines themselves aren't the fantastic thing about the museum, but the details the artists put into these sculptures are amazing. They even put replica clothes that the person actually wore in real life, so they look so realistic.

 It's also a nice place to visit because there are different themes to each room in the museum. When I visited, they had this disco room, a classical/ timeless room, a past president's room. They even had a room modeled after the Oval Office in the White House where you could take pictures with the waxed Barack Obama. It was pretty amazing.

The bad things about this museum, on the other hand, include waiting in line. Since this place is a tourist attraction, you usually have to wait in a long line- in the hot Vegas sun. Another thing is all the kids that come into this museum. One kid, on seeing a Lion King broadway figure, jumped with joy and was very loud and clear that he wanted his mother to take a picture of him with it. They also like to touch the sculptures and I swear one little girl almost knocked Lady Gaga to the ground. Also, it gets crowded. It is an easy place to get to if you're vacationing in Vegas so a lot of people are there. Another thing is, the Hugh Hefner figure freaks me out a bit. I have also seen House of Wax and that place reminds me terribly of that movie.

Other than the obvious surface flaws of huge crowds, it's an awesome place to visit. I think they could probably expand the location, thus having a more open place to fit more people and to give others breathing room. About the sculptures, they are doing a wonderful job with their abilities to make them so life like. Madame Tussauds Wax Museums is definitely a place I would have the honor of visiting again. If you yourself are interested in going to this museum, or you just want to see the pictures of all the sculptures from  each of the locations around the world, you can visit

Mass Effect series

  Mass Effect, I know I wrote about it before but that was only on one game not the whole series. In Mass effect you are Commander Shepard a Spectre a “special forces” unit that dose whatever he\she think is necessary for the galaxy. The reapers are a machine race that are huge and have been around for over 50 thousand years and kills off every race that gets to the point of where they have become very advanced and no one is left behind.

 Mass effect 1 story line is after you become a Spectre you try to stop Saren, another Spectre, a Turian who is trying to bring back the reapers. along thwe way of trying to stop him you have to gather information to be able to have a final confrontation.

In mass effect 2 you die but Cerberus a human organization brings you back to life. Commander Shepherd chases the people that killed him/her and finds out that the collectors are who killed him and they were once Protheans  but the reapers transformed them into there "monstrous slaves". in the  end Shepherd once again goes in  for a suicide mission and can lose all of your team or save them all and whatever in between.

Mass effect 3 brings the fight to earth. so Shepherd has to gather a team to stop the reapers form the usual pattern they had  been used to. The Mass effect series is awesome!

The Office

A couple of years ago I discovered this amazing show called The Office. I have been addicted to this show ever since.

This show is basically about co-workers in their job environment which is an office in Scranton, Pennsylvania and all the idiotic stuff they do. The characters in this mockumentary all have their own unique personality and you somehow get attached to them. If they are nice, sweet, naive, dumb, or foolish. It’s a different story each day. It’s nice to see them grow and in some cases mature during all the seasons.

The boss is a dumb guy who tries to be best friends with all his employees though they don’t really feel the same way. His right-hand man is a guy who has no common sense and is completely out of his mind. The others just stand by and watch them do their crazy stuff and occasionally take parts in it.

The Office has great characters, who occasionally go overboard. It also has amazing stories, though they don't seem to not flow as natural as they used to. There is always something that makes you laugh and smile. You get attached to them so much that you start talking to the TV as if they could really hear you. Thumbs up for The Office! Go watch it you will have a good time.

Five Stars for the Liars

Pretty Little Liars is an original show by ABC that is about four girls who are being threatened by an unknown person who knows their secrets.
The four girls, Emily, Aria,Hannah, and Spencer had a friend named Allison who went missing on labor-day weekend. A year later, her body was found, and the killer was unknown.
The four girls had been getting texts from a blocked number after Alli disappeared and the person, who called them self A, knew their secrets and tried to use it against them to hurt them. They had many suspects like a blind girl and a fake cop, but even after 2seasons, they still don’t know who killed Alli and who A is.
The only part about the show that is not so good is that sometimes is gets a little bit confusing because it is a mystery show and it has a tendency to make things sound really complicated. Since it is a mystery show, when A is revealed, the mystery will disappear on some episodes, it feels like it is pointless and that it just keeps going without any feelings of suspense or drama. Pretty Little Liars was also a book by Sara Shepard before the show, and that isn’t the best thing because it can give some things away. The producers said at the beginning of the show that they wouldn’t do it like how the book was, but they do have similarities which can be a give away.
Other then those small flaws, Pretty Little Liars is an amazing show filled with suspense(most of the time) and is a thrilling idea that makes you want to keep watching. It is filled with unexpected surprises and had sudden twists that nobody can possibly see coming that make you put your hand up to your mouth while you grasp with shock.
Pretty Little Liars is a five star show with a five star plot.

Happiest Place on Earth

Disneyland the “Happiest Place on Earth”. Also where dreams come true. Have you ever went to Disneyland if not your missing out. Disneyland is a place for every person and every age. It has about 36 rides and attractions and probably more on the other side “California Adventure”. What make Disneyland more magical is the sleeping beauty castle especially at night. They also have names for each part of theme park :Tomorrowland,Fantasyland,and a few more.

I have went to Disneyland about a million times already but it the same rides we go never get old, because it's so fun.I always go with my family usually after school or in the evening. It's usually packed during Friday,Saturday,Sunday basically weekends.

There's always a good side to everything,there's like 3 good things about Disneyland. One is they have usually nice employees. I guess because it's the happiest place on earth! Second their rides are fun and almost anybody could go on them. Third they're constantly making new attractions, so it will be way different from the other amusement parks.

Even the "Happiest Place on Earth" has cons, particularly 3. One their bathrooms are dirtier than our schools.Two it's pretty packed almost all the time.Third they're tickets are pricey for one day one park is a 100 dollars but 3-day park hopper is 144 dollars for only one.

If I could rate it I would give it as many stars are in the sky at night. That's how much I love Disneyland. I would recommend it to anyone especially tourist.

Photo by:Averain

Tagaytay Volcanoe Zipline

photo by: Roberto Verzo

You never really think a Volcano would have its own Zip line ride. Well, the Tagaytay Volcano has one. Personally I have been there with my family, and let me tell you the ride will either change your life for the better of worse.

When I went there with my family I couldn't believe the the ride. At first I thought the ride will be the best experience in my life. But once you get on the ride you start to feel doubts, "should I waste my money and give up on the ride, or just be a man and go to the ride".

I went with my cousin and we rode on the 2 seat one. It felt uncomfortable, but the view was to die momentary for. You could see a 360 image of the whole ride right here where I make my link.

At the start of the ride you are attached to a harness and in a minute or so you take flight. I felt like I was flying like a chubby Asian bird. But once I calmed my self, I got to see the magnificent view from bottom, top, and even from side to side. The trees were on the bottom and to your left you could see the ocean and the island where the volcano is.

It will truly change your view on life. But the only problem I have with it is it has a humungous line. When I went there the line was so long we wasted so much of our day. And the ride only lasts about 30 seconds.

The cost of the ride is about 5 dollars, and if you want to do a two way ride it is 7 dollars.
And this is one of those rides that are open every single day of the year. You can also get a free photo of the ride.

Overall I give this attraction a 8 out of 10.

Friday, March 9, 2012

And They Lived Happily ever After

    And they lived happily ever after. We all want to here those words, but we often wonder if our Prince Charming is really out there.
   When I see a fairytale movie, and see the prince and the princess fall in love and live happily ever after, it makes you wonder if that happens in real life. But I believe that it does. And that it will come to you when it is meant to be. In Cinderella, she is a maid who lives in an attic and has no fancy things, and her only friends were some mice and birds. But she followed her heart which led her to the ball where she danced with the Prince and they fell in love.
   He searched and searched until he found her, and the next morning they were married. They found true love at a ball and met just a for a little while, but theyknew that the other was the one for them.
    I believe with all my heart that your Pirnce Charming is out there. Knowing who he is is the easy thing, finding him is the hard thing. But when you do, its magic.
    Everyone wants to hear the fairytake words. Maybe not Ilove you becasue anyone can say it and not mean it, but we all want to hear the steady words, and they lived happily ever after.
Photo by: abigaylesophia

Thursday, March 8, 2012

World Unity

Image by Brad Bethell Photography
Recently, I heard a man named Joseph Kony, a Uganda native who is the founder of the Lord's Resistance Army. For the past 25 years, he has been abducting African children and making the boys fight in his army and the girls be sex slaves. What kind of sick person could possibly do that? I watched this video and the American government stated that he does all this without a cause except that he remains the power he has. Kony is currently the #1 on the Most Wanted list in the entire world.

I don't know how people could possibly kill another human being. Children in the regions of Uganda live in fear that Kony's men will come and abduct them in the night. I think all the world needs is truly good people who have good intentions. People like Hitler, Bin Laden, and Kony probably only kill because they don't like how the world is structured. You're not going to make anything better by giving an eight year old a gun and telling them to shoot their parents.

If the world was at peace, even if it were only for five minutes, that would most beautiful thing in history. I truly believe the world needs to unite if we want to move forward as one. I hope they find that man in this picture and kill him, so he may join Hitler and Bin Laden, who are also pictured, in Hell. Truly, I believe no person should live if they intend to purposely kill, kidnap, and rape all those he has harmed.

Lazy People

Some people might say, "I can't do it, it's too difficult, it is out of my capabilities." That is a big lie.

Everyone needs determination to get things done. It doesn't matter what your determination is, as long as you get the job done. Yes it takes takes work and you might have to go the extra mile to meet you goal, but that is why you have dedication.

For the student who wants to get good grades it might be something their parents will get them. Or it could just be to brag that they have good grades. For the person who wants to be the captain of the team or section leader it might be he honor and admiration from their peers. Their are different ways to get a person motivated.

People who say they can't are a bunch of lazy bums. They don't have the power or the want to get something. If they really had determination then they would really get something done. You think that person with fake legs had the determination to not be stopped and be stuck in a wheelchair?

If everyone had determination, where would we be by now? We would be unstoppable. We would have flying cars and people on Mars and Jupiter by now. So get off that couch and get motivated to do something. Have something to look forward to and get determination.

The real NOODLE

Photo by: Jeremy brooks
Most people think the noodles only come in a cup, but the real good noodle will come in a bowl. Cup of noodles is actually a very bad thing for you to consume. You are better off eating a bowl of homemade noodles.

A website called The straight dope wrote about how the regular ramen is very bad for your health. You can access this website right here. Even though the classic easy cup of ramen is fast and easy, it can effect your health greatly.

1560! Thats how many sodium is in the package of noodles. Not only that, but they are made in fried palm oil, the worst kind of oil. You are better off with the healthy bowl of homemade noodles. They may take long but at least you will have more for your money and be more healthier.

As you can see, the ramen can do a great deal to your health. You are better off with the classic bowl of noodles in your life.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jesus christ

I've always been asked what do you believe in? I can answer and say I believe in Jesus christ my Lord and savior. People may say he's not real,it's all made up.

I truly believe he is real because of at least 5 reasons.
1.He died for us on the cross, I don't know who else can do that
2. Jesus is always there for you when ever you need him
3. He will forgive you no matter what you have done
4. He will never leave you
5 . He's always a friend I can count on.

This is something I know for sure.