Thursday, March 29, 2012

The perfect cup of NOODLES

Photo by: D.L.

I have had many cup of noodles in my life, but this cup was somehow perfect then all the rest. It just stood out. Eating it makes you feel like a chubby Asian bird. There are basically three things that contributed to making this the best cup of noodles: the right amount of hot water, the perfect texture of the noodles, and the right amount of ingredients.

Without the water, your basically eating raw noodles in a cup. Some people put hot water, but it either ends up not being enough or to much. Others put the right amount of water, but it is not hot enough. The cup of noodles I had was just the right amount of water and the right temperature.

Some noodles taste hard, when you eat a cup of noodles. Other times it is all soggy and it is unappetizing. The perfect noodle has to be not to crunchy and not too soggy. It has to be just right, that's how my cup of noodles tasted.

The cup of noodles has noodles of course, carrots, pea's, and corn. Some cups have to much carrots or maybe to much corn. You need to have the right amount of ingredients to complement the noodle's. It is very unlikely you will get a balancing amount of ingredients, but the cup of noodles I had just the right amount.

As you can see, the perfect cup of noodles does not come by very often. So I just wanted to write my experience of the best cup of noodles. Hopefully you will get to try the perfect cup of noodles someday.


  1. Haha.... chubby Asian bird. I've never had a cup of noodles before. I should try one.

    1. The chubby Asian bird part got me too, bwhahahah!

    2. WHAT!!!! how COULD you NOT HAVE had CUP OF NOODLES Amanda!!!!

  2. I like Cup of Noodles! Chubby Asian bird

  3. I doubt anyone will top the line "chubby Asian bird" this year.

  4. Your posts always manage to amuse me:)
