Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Dangers of Surgery

Most people will say plastic surgery is a bad thing to do to yourself. Others say you need the operation, so you would look better. But, do the people that go through the operation know what people think of them?

I searched an article about the amount of plastic surgeries in the United States. It stated that in 2009, 18,000 Americans under the age of 18 underwent plastic surgery. Before I read this article I always thought that people who undergo plastic surgery are in their 20's.

I think plastic surgery should be banned unless we need it to stay alive. Gabe Phillips, a senior communication major from Hurricane says that,"I think plastic surgery is a waste of money, but if someone feels they need to change something to feel confident or whatever, then I wouldn't oppose it."

We do not need something to make us feel better. Even if we ever do go through this operation people will still think we are insecure because anyone can tell if we had plastic surgery. Overall I think we should not have to gone through surgery just to make us feel better.

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