Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A debate that should of already been dealt with.

Into the great doge ball debate. When I herd about this debate I thought wow, people over exaggerate to much. They also have no business changing the PE class.

The over exaggeration is putting it on so long that they even had it on the news! the reporter on the news that I saw was more on the not giving up doge ball. when he was  interviewing a person the man said that the parents or teachers are making the kids tenderized meat with all the ruff edges cut off. that speaks for itself.

Another point is that with out winning and or loosing when it first happens it will be bad and its better to get that over with in school.  it helps because if your older the loss will be huge like if your the star of some sport and you loose the big game to France because you thought that they would hold back because you never lost at anything before they wont because they want to win.

 Life goes on if your little but when older it comes with more things to be lost.

1 comment:

  1. I agaree! People are over-exaderating! They don't understand that dodgeball isn't wrong, its what there trying to take away is what is really wrong.
