Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Being your self or someone else (speak journal 3)

         Ask yourself, what am I like am I being me or am I being someone or something else and if I want to be that thing or my own self? This is a good question to ask yourself so you as a person and as a human can be what you want to be.

I personally can relate to not being myself. The reason being is that I as myself can act as what I need to be or want to be. what I think most people do is act like some one they aren't so they can fit in or not stand out in the crowd. You can decide if that is a good thing or a bad thing. 

Why people act or be there self is because they don't care or they do care what others think about them.
The way they do care is if they are alright with it being them self and care about what others think of them. You can also decide if that's good or bad.

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