Most people's new years resolution is to loose weight or stop smoking, but mine was different. Many things have happened in my life, and when the new year came around I decided not to let it bother me anymore. I needed a fresh start.
With the concept of new in mind, I let go. I let go of my past. Every bad thing that happened to me. I realized the reality of it all. That constantly thinking about those things in my past made me a negative person. It made me hate what had happened.
I know look at it as an oppertunity that that memory gave me to grow and become a stronger and better person.
This new year is going to be one for me. You can get passed anything with the right kind oflove and support. You just have to find you inspiration for letting it go.
Alright! I got pumped up just reading this post. Thanks for the encouraging thoughts. Best of luck as you set out achieving your goals.