Monday, October 3, 2011

Changing the World 1 smile at a time

I can be a very mean person, and the world has been suffering from mean people and for me, I can make the world a better place by giving a smile to random people I see. When someone you don't know smiles at you, it could be considered as creepy or kind. But when someone goes out of their way to give you a smile, it makes you feel happy. And that could make the world a better place because people need to start being kind and treating one another with respect and care.


  1. I totally agree,I'm doing kind of the same. Except I'm saying hi to random people. I wonder if anone will call you a "freak" for smiling at them. Haha or me for saying "hi" to them. Oh well good luck!!;)

  2. Thank you. Ans people gave me the "your freak" look. But for the people you do know, it works and is good.

  3. That was a really good post brii white haha I think when you smile at someone it makes more people smile back then the smile keeps on going around to other people. So just by your one smile you make other people smile.Good Job!:D

  4. Good job!I think if you smile to one person, that person will smile to someone else, and the smile will keep on going around. So just by your one smile everyone else will to. I liked your post a lot!:D

  5. Awwwww! Thank you Hailey T. And even though all the people didn't take it well, I hope that it made a difference! :D
