Sunday, October 30, 2011

Why are They Like That?

Guys and girls are very different, but guys aren't portrayed like girls are. Girls are thought to be preppy, girlie and divas, but what they don't know is that girls can also be really cool. Girls have many organizations and help out a lot of people. This month, October, is womens breast cancer awareness month. Women do amazing things just like men. And so I ask why are they like that? The ones who look at ladies in a useless way. And now the ones who don't believe in women can see the truth.


  1. Nice work digging up the "cool girls" site. I like how you point out that guys and girls are different, and yet they are both worthy of the same standard of respect. Difference is important, but unfortunately too many people use difference as a way to exploit, marginalize, and mistreat.

  2. I definetly agree. People judge women without knowing all the amazing things they do.
