When you go to an Asian restaurant most people tend to order some kind of noodle soup. If you are not Asian it is very hard for you to eat a bowl of noodles in public without being judged. Most people typically order the soup that is most familiar to them. But others sometimes want to take a risk an order something very different from what they are use to. If they are to do this they need to follow these 5 steps to avoid being judged by other people.
Step #1
When you are ordering a bowl of noodles it is very important not to ask questions about it. When you are in an Asian restaurant do not ask questions like what does this have in it. It is easy for you just to say what number you want and get it over with. The waiter or waitress will get very annoyed if you keep asking questions about it. They might go in the back and make fun of you and call you a Chubby Asian bird. It is very simple: pick what you want, order it, and most of all do not ask questions.
Step #2
Usually ordering soup takes about 10 to 30 minutes depending on what kind of soup you order. It does not matter what kind of soup you order just do not call someone over and ask if your order is ready. To them it will seem like you are being rude and snotty. At first they will say it will be out soon, but if you keep asking repeatedly they will get annoyed and eventually scream at you. It is very easy, just wait patiently and the food will come to you.
photo by: Fartre
Step #3By this time your bowl of noodles is at your table and you are ready to dig in, but you realize the only utensil is chopsticks! The last time you used chopsticks was a very long time ago. You think to yourself, maybe I should just ask for a fork. But don't! That is the most horrible mistake you could make. This is what ticks of most Asians. My advice is even though you do not know how to use chopsticks, just act like you are using them. But when you get home it is advised that you learn so you will not get embarrassed in the future.
Step #4
If you eat the noodles and end up not liking it, do not complain to someone. When you complain at an Asian restaurant they will think you are have no experience and judge you heavily. Trust me you will feel really awkward when they stare and talk about you (especially if they are doing the ASIAN stare). It is best to just suck it up and pretend to like it. That way they will not judge you.
Step #5
The last step is how you handle the after aftermath of your meal. When you are asking for the check, you want to be as kind as chubby Asian bird. You do not just snap your fingers in the air like some kind of snotty person. You should try to make eye contact with the waitress/ waiter. At least then they will treat you with "some" respect.
There you have it, the 5 easy steps to eating a bowl of noodles at an Asian restaurant. Follow these simple steps and you will survive.