Monday, May 14, 2012

Be Independent.

Photo by isbg6
Ahh, group work. Several individuals coming together to create a common goal of success. Wrong! Teachers think it's the best invention next to the ruler, but in truth, it's the worst next to silence. Honestly, group work is the worst idea ever. I really don't like it at all. It just let's it be okay for people to copy off the smarter, more educated kids. Plus, group work is just another way for teachers to take a break and not have to teach you for a good 30 minutes or so.

At first, when a teacher announces group work, it could go wrong in two ways. The first way is when you don't get to pick your own group and it's assigned already. Usually, people you don't fraternize with or don't mingle with will be your partners. That's never fun. A second way it could go wrong is if you do get to pick your own group, but you get absolutely nothing done because your group won't participate, resulting in a last minute finish. That's never good. Group work is just a sad excuse for class and if I got to choose, I'd just work by myself.

There is always at least one person who actually tries and does work in groups, and that person is usually me. I don't know if there is someone else in a group I've ever worked with who went, "Wow, I'm the only one working in this group!", because it's probably inaccurate. Lately, ever since I've been placed in advanced classes, I've discovered that a lot of these kids in my classes actually do their work and not rely on me. In 6th grade, where you aren't in a class based on grades, but where you're all jumbled up, we had group reading circles. Worst idea ever. We get to choose what book we read, so usually you and your friends try to get the same book. In reading circles, we read a few chapter of a book daily and wrote what we read about. Everyone read (or said they did), but nobody wanted to write the sentences! They'd just sit back and make someone else do it, and everyday it was usually me and this other person.

Looking back, I realize I now hate that book we read in our little book clubs all because of that little experience I had reading it. I don't usually loathe a book, but that one was an exception, and I don't even remember the title. Group work is a torture device inflicted on children. I really hope that the future generation doesn't have to have group work because overall, I think solo work doesn't give kids a chance to cheat, thus making them smarter. Also, I think if they don't have to rely on team member's end of the project, they can learn skills to become more independent.

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