Monday, May 14, 2012

Don't lower the drinking age.

 The age to drink is 21 if we lower it more deaths and higher death rates will occur in our country. Many times people commit suicide because they don't like them selfs.Alcohol makes you fat, especially since there still teens if the drinking age is lowered they would hate themselves more and they would kill them selfs.

 If it is lowered the 18 year old people who just learned how to drive start to drink. If new divers are drunk driving there is going to be deaths by car crash. I am not saying that the more experienced drivers wont get in a crash if there drunk but the new drivers are more likely to.

People say there gonna do it anyway so lower it. Well if we lower it the younger audiences at 16 will do the same thing that the 18 year old are doing so that plan fails.

The drinking age is a law and people trying to change it and I don't see why. the age to drink is fine by me but that is just me a Junior High student who has been "brainwashed" about a lot of things so take it from this person Here and then you'll see.

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