Monday, May 7, 2012

Messing With Minds

A photo of a devil-looking man with a big nose and a plump belly is Propaganda being advertised about Jews. The illustrator is trying to pursue that all Jews are the “whips (oppressors) of all man kind.”

The illustrator drew a picture of a red Jew with a fan nose and body, with a whip in his hand, standing over a globe and is whipping a crowd of people. Including children and women. He or she is trying to pursue that Jews take over the world and that they are in control with whips, while all the other citizens are defenseless.

Aside form the action of the Jew, the look of the picture is very red and very dark-looking. The photo looks like hell. With the Jew as the devil who is hurting many innocent people in a caravan-looking line. The Jew isn’t just in a village either, he is on top of the world. Which shows that the Jews are on top of the world and are making it hell on earth.

I think the point of the look of the red picture, and the action that the Jew is pursuing is trying to advertise that Jews are devils and destroy everything in the world. The Propaganda is a big, they repeat the theme of red and destroying things, and it isn’t the truth. One Jew doesn’t decide the fait of the whole world. The vision of the Jew is big because it shows the Jew on the whole world, not just on one city, but that the Jew affects the WHOLE WORLD! The one Jew can’t oppress the whole world so it is not the truth. And they are repeating the idea of hell, the red colors, the devil, the fat big-nosed Jew, and the world in danger due to the one Jew. The picture all together is a joke, and is just a way to put a label on ALL Jews for being an ugly, big-nosed, destructive devil!

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