That picture above is a complete lie. Working in groups is one of the most dreaded plagues ever bestowed upon mankind. Why are people so horrible? To not be a victim of bad group work don't work with your good friends. Sometimes you still have partners that are terrible because they are lazy, uncooperative, or just plain stupid.
I was not being very bright one day and decided to work with some of my good friends a couple of years ago. That was not good. I was trying to do work and get the job done while they were messing around. They kept talking to themselves and laughing. When they finally actually start helping out they were slow and kept making some idiotic mistakes (it's not my fault that I have big expectations). They weren't taking this project seriously at all. They made so stressed out because the time to turn in our project was almost coming and they were still laughing like it was some big joke. Our teacher told us to write about how it went and turn in or answer to her. I wrote about my terrible experience and she told me that she really liked my answer.
It's not fair. Some people sit there doing nothing staring into space while one person does all the work. I'm not the only one that it happens to, "there is always one person who screws up the group."I have been in that position and it sucks a lot. It makes my blood boil and makes me think of a lot nasty and bad things about those lazy people. If they do participate they come up with the dumbest ideas ever and end up screwing it up. Another frustrated person says, "it makes my life a living hell." Makes me wonder how 55 guys worked together to make our constitution and no blood was shed.
I'm not saying that there should be no more group work. Some partners actually do work and do a good job. The only problem is that there is only a handful of that kind of people. I would rather work by myself. People these days are cruel and inconsiderate. I change my mind, there should be no more group work.
OMG I love this post even though I completely disagree. Those few things happen sometimes but not all the time, when you do group work you pick some one that you know that you can trust. Then it all gets done and you have no problems. But I love you humor in this post it is great.
ReplyDeleteTo be honest with you I agreed with mostly a lot of things you said not everything but a lot. You made some really good points about working with your friends or doing all the work. Working with your friends is hard because you usually end up talking and not working.Then when of the partners has to take the project home because you didn't finish it. Nice Job!I liked the different phrases you used.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you on your resons why group work is bad.I also agree on how you said that there is only a small number of people out there that will actually help.
ReplyDeleteHonestly there is some things you said that make sense but you say it like if you hate mankind.The post was really good. I understood you when you said " It's not fair. Some people sit there doing nothing staring into space while one person does all the work." I totally understood you because that happened to me a few times. It gets us so stressed out. I also agree with you when you said that working with friends isn't a good idea because they think that since your their friends you'll do everything. Group work can be a good and bad think but its not the people that suck its just that they don't try.
ReplyDeleteJosue this post is hilarious. I feel the told opposite though because it's fun and we try to keep the work equal.Best post so far I think.
ReplyDeleteThis post is one of the best ones I've seen all year. I totally agree with you but I do think your post is a little extreme and funny. I can totally ralate to this post. You have really good points about group work and I liked your examples. Good Job!